Deploying Additive Manufacturing in Your Classroom

This in-person Educate the Educator event is an all-day professional development experience for educators across the region.

This event is anchored from the America Makes Additive Manufacturing (AM) Body of Knowledge and has been created by members of the industry and defense community through subject matter experts.

Educators that attend this event will receive two digital badges: the Master Badge FDM 3D Printing Technician Badge and the FDM 3D Printing Instructor Badge upon successful completion.

The badges, hosted by FabLab Hub, were built through collaboration with America Makes and are aligned to and recognized by the North American Digital Fabrication Alliance standards.


This Educate the Educator event can accommodate up to 20 middle and high school educators from the region. Space is limited for this training in foundation function and operations in AM.

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If you’re a small or medium-sized manufacturer in the defense industry seeking to expand business and operational capabilities to strengthen the supply chain and create and maintain jobs, we’d love to hear from you. Please fill out the form and we’ll be in touch soon.